| The Clown Sexton is not wearing his good clothes for this job of digging. He's wearing old work clothes, because, of course, he doesn't want to get his good clothes dirty. What he's wearing is obviously old, and patched, and now dirty. He doesn't look like any kind of respectable official. He looks like a simple laborer, of he lowest social class, so Hamlet takes him as that, and addresses him as such. However, since the Clown Sexton is a church officer, he is correctly addressed as "sir." | | The Clown Sexton is not wearing his good clothes for this job of digging. He's wearing old work clothes, because, of course, he doesn't want to get his good clothes dirty. What he's wearing is obviously old, and patched, and now dirty. He doesn't look like any kind of respectable official. He looks like a simple laborer, of he lowest social class, so Hamlet takes him as that, and addresses him as such. However, since the Clown Sexton is a church officer, he is correctly addressed as "sir." |